Thursday, June 20, 2013

gardens still growing

My small plot at the PSU community garden is a micro-patch of vegetable plants turned jungle these days. Kale, parsley, chard, and carrot hold flowers and seeds on stems much taller than I, pea vines finding their way through the mess, california poppy and st. johns wort flowers lighting up the understory. The dish of water I normally maintain at center has become swamp, but fresh water is still to be found - as in this dock leaf cupping rain water into a tiny lake:

 So overgrown it has become, fairies actually moved in. Can you believe that?

 This is the view from their skylight

And these carrot flowers float about in great balls like spaceships made of snow, releasing drifts of powdery pollen

 Back at the other garden plot, giant-vegetable-dreams are realized in this fabulous lettuce (key included for scale).

 Delicious beet success, short of soccerball-size, not short on sweet

Beets and Kale, a variety of leaf texture

 Lentils! Handful of dry lentils thrown in the dirt... add water, time, warmth and sun - the seeds show some of their programmed secrets. Fine leaves and tiny pods, nice to meet you long-eaten staple.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Spring Miscellany

What does a pea plant do when threatened? Grab the pistil!

A maple tree without maple leaves? I don't know what to think

One of my most favorite stamp-sized islands of life

 Oppidan forest