Monday, December 9, 2013

Tepee Attempt

Tried to build a tepee this summer. The quest to recreate the simple, mobile, and graceful shelter of the Plains tribes is a recurring theme for me, and while this iteration didn't get lived in, at least it's an adventure worth sharing.
fun friends hauling bamboo by bike
To begin, I had the help of two friends. Excellent bike handling skills and a sense of humor were required for the task ahead.

 We secured four giant bamboo poles on each of two bikes and set off to ride 5 miles through the city to the north.

haul bamboo by bike

 Motorized traffic was light on that Sunday morning, but there was still enough foot traffic to provide an audience. One man expressed the notion that bamboo carried by bike is more 'sustainable' than anything else in existence. This may be true.

bamboo tepee
Arranged into formation, the bamboo took on that beautiful form of a giant cone!

bamboo tepeebamboo tepee
View from below.

bamboo tepee slug trail
Blue plastic provided a covering and a canvas for slug meanderings.

bamboo tepee
And it stood, reflecting the color of the sky.

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